Caleb's baptism was so special Sunday! Corey did a wonderful job expressing our joy as parents that our son loves God and wants to follow Him! Many of our family members were in town to be there with us and to encourage Caleb in his decision. Caleb was so excited about this day, and we had talked to him about how baptism represents what God has done in his life. After his baptism, Caleb said to me, "I gave a good testimony, didn't I Mommy!" He sure did!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Caleb's Baptism
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 3:11 PM 4 comments
The Clendenin Farm
I've mentioned Steve and Freida's farm many's one of the boys' favorite places! They are always so kind to allow us to come and enjoy their beautiful place! There are some new additions to the farm. Meet Joe and Jerry!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Bennett Rides the Bus!
Last week at Story Hour, Bennett and I got to ride the school bus! This is always one of the most exciting times all year, and he was not disappointed!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 2:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I updated the Fabulous Friends blog below...I hope you enjoy ;)
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Hilarious...Charlie Bit My Finger!
A friend showed me this the other day, and we have laughed about it since...hope you enjoy it!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Fabulous Friends!
My freshman year in high school God blessed me with an amazing group of friends, five girls who had grown up together at West Jackson Baptist Church....known as the Fab Five. Fabulous they are! I could not have asked for a more amazing group of friends to encourage, support and hold me accountable through high school, college and beyond. In college we roomed together, three and three. This year we are all celebrating our 30th birthdays! We thought and thought about how we wanted to celebrate and finally decided to meet together to worship the God who brought us together in the special place He used, West Jackson. This past Sunday morning we all 6 were able to be in church together for the first time since college. This has been especially difficult since 4 of our husbands are ministers at churches in different cities. What a blessing to be able to come together years later with a group of girls who still love the Lord and serve Him faithfully! I even got to play in my old seat in the orchestra :) Jennifer, Meg, Becca, Lindsey and Carrie, I love you and value your friendships more than I can are fabulous friends!
Please forgive me, however, after I first posted this I rounded up a few pics from our senior year just for fun!
Prom Night
Breakfast the last day of our senior year!Music Camp at Camp Carson
Singing "This Day" by Point of Grace our last night at Music Camp ;)
At the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago on our way home from a mission trip to Michigan
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 3:54 PM 5 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
By Faith...
I love the faith chapter in Hebrews. Earlier this week as I was reading these verses, one in particular stayed with me. Hebrews 11:27 is speaking of Moses when it says, "By faith...he persevered, as one who sees Him who is invisible." That is my prayer. That the struggles and trials I face will be met with a faith as if I see Him face to face, talk to Him face to face, and know Him that intimately. How different our problems seem when we "see Him who is invisible" in the midst of our trials!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's Soccer Time in Paris!
It has begun! The day we have long anticipated, that Caleb has asked about for months (truth be told almost a year)...his first official soccer game! The boys did great and had lots of fun! Coach Corey and Coach Fred have whipped this team into shape playing Cows and Cowboys. Caleb is number 3, a family favorite. He played defense most of the time and was doing a great job. At one point the other team was about to score and he must have forgotten that they don't have goalies in under 6 soccer, so he fell down and caught the ball before it went into the goal...oops! We'll work on that at practice tomorrow I'm sure!Caleb and his number one fan and best bud!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Story Hour
Bennett and I started back to Preschool Story Hour at the elementary last week. We go each Monday for a little over an hour and play with friends (yes, me too ;), sing, read books, and do lots of fun activities. This was the first time just Bennett and I have gone. He had a great time and especially enjoyed hanging out with his buddy Jack!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday, Sarah!
The boys have been blessed to have a lot of wonderful friends here in Paris. One of those is their friend, Sarah! Sarah celebrated her 3rd birthday last week. The boys were invited to help celebrate with fun, games and a pinata!!! Happy Birthday to a precious 3 year old!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Nanny came to visit us recently and we had such a fun time! Here is one of our favorite pictures! We love you, Nanny!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Movin' on Up!
The boys moved up to their new Sunday School classes week before last...I had to snap a few pictures! Bennett moved out of the nursery and is really enjoying having Mrs. Gini and Mrs. Ashley (they were Caleb's teachers until now and are wonderful). Caleb has been ready for this moved since he turned 4. The Sunday after his birthday he told Mrs. Gini, "I don't like your class anymore. I'm four now." Fortunately she was very good natured about it! Caleb has now moved into Mrs. Wanda, Mrs. Gail and Ms. Terri's class. He is very excited about his new teachers and already received a sweet note in the mail from them! Caleb also went forward to share his decision to become a Christian with our church that Sunday.
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Today was Caleb's first day at Joyland Christian Preschool! He has been so excited, and today didn't disappoint. My sweet friend, Becky, gave me an emergency kit (tissue, waterproof mascara, and "Emergency Chocolate" anticipating that I would have more trouble with this than Caleb. This morning when he woke up, he immediately put on his clothes that we had laid out the night before (his Joyland shirt and new jeans) and then he made his way back to our room to say good morning. After eating breakfast, going over our school rules, getting our things together and praying as a family, we all loaded up (Corey and I both wanted to take him for his first day) and headed to Joyland. On the car ride there, Caleb was teasing me saying, "Mom, are you going to cry? I hope you do! I hope you all cry, that'd be funny!" What a silly boy! That helped lighten the mood. Of course once we arrived, I took several pictures (one by the "ninja" with the flag to caution traffice-Caleb thought it was cool that they had a ninja out there.)
When I told Corey I'd love to stay and watch his first day he gave me a disapproving if I was serious! As they got ready for circle time and began sittin in the circle, Caleb said, "Come here Bennett, you can sit in the circle!" He was so sweet, but we couldn't stay. So after they began circle time we left.
Bennett and I did well, a few tears welled up in my eyes as we left, but Corey reassured me that we'd all be okay. B and I read a few books and did "school" once we got home. By the time we finished that and went grocery shopping, it was time to pick Caleb up from school.
He had a big smile when we came out and told us all about his day. I asked if he had heard a Bible story and he said, "Yeah, like eight!" I'm pretty sure they talked about the days of creation and Adam and Eve ;) We let him pick where we went for lunch to celebrate, and he prayed before we ate and thanked God that he could go to school and for all his new friends and that Jesus was in his heart. I am so grateful that God has blessed us with this opportunity for him to enjoy preschool in a wonderful Christian environment!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 2:40 PM 1 comments