Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Busy Weekend!!!

This past weekend was lots of fun, but also very busy! Friday afternoon Leah, one of our former youth, came to visit for the weekend. The boys really enjoy playing with "Eah" as Bennett calls her! Friday night our association had a picnic for ministers' families. We were able to shoot bows and arrows and skeet shooting! (There was a picture of me shooting, too. However, it was not very flattering and as my friend Katie says, I have editing privileges over this blog ;) It was lots of fun!

The boys were intrigued by being close to the corn field...they wanted to go in!

Corey shooting (and being beaten for the second year in a row!)

Bennett loves Leah, and the cool orange ear plugs!

Caleb apparently didn't think that he looked goofy enough with his ear plugs, so he had to made a silly pose to go along with them! Look at Clayton posing so nicely!

Hunting for a bear!

Then, Saturday at 4:45 am, Corey and I left the house to meet our youth for a trip to Six Flags in Louisville! We had so much fun...I LOVE roller coasters! And while we were there, they were having a fundraiser and several Survivor and Amazing Race contestants were at the park! Corey saw Yao Man, the Cho brothers, a few others whose names I don't remember, and we saw Amanda...the runner-up from the past two seasons of Survivor! She was so nice! We waved, but she was on her cell phone. She signaled for us to wait, and as soon as she finished she came over! I didn't have my camera, but the always prepared Becky (Amanda Clancey) had two! So she and Bruce took pictures for us! Leah, Michele, and the boys had a fun day of just relaxing and playing here in Paris ! Thank you guys!Just because I like this picture!

The Maplewood Crew

Corey's face cracked me up in this one!

With Amanda from Survivor! Unfortunately she left part of her shirt on the island! (Becca, I know she's not David Schwimmer, but it's still pretty neat!)

Deanna and me riding T2...along with the picture I have the bruises to prove it! Nice face, Hayden!


becca said...

Mel - I don't watch Survivor, so I don't know that girl - but that is very cool! She seems MUCH friendlier than David/Ross was! He was trying to get out unnoticed - and he was not sucessful - I found him!!

Glad you had fun!