Wednesday, June 18, 2008

God Still Sees My Sin

When leaving the pool this afternoon, a truck drove by playing loud music. Caleb is very perceptive and began picking up on the words...nothing bad, at least the part that he caught, but he asked me if it was a good song. If you know me, I can't just give a quick answer to that, so I explained that I didn't know the words and wasn't sure if it was a good song or not. I told him that sometimes songs have words that are not pleasing to God. Then he asked me if the people who sing those songs are bad How do you explain that to a four-year-old? So I did my best. I told him that all people do bad things, even me...we all sin. Then I tried to explain that the difference in people is that when someone asks God into their lives and asks for forgiveness for their sins, God doesn't see their sin anymore (I know this isn't all of the theology behind this, but He does see Christ's righteousness when He sees us). He thought about this for a moment and then said, "God still sees my sin." I was blown away! And then as we pulled into the driveway he was very quiet...He and Bennett are usually fighting sleep at this point, so I assumed he was about asleep (he's never that quiet). And then from the back seat I heard him pray, "God, please forgive me for my sin." It was absolutely precious! He has just turned 4, and we haven't discussed salvation much yet...just as he's asked questions, but I am so grateful that his heart is sensitive to God and aware of his sin...I pray that God will give Corey and me the wisdom and sensitivity to know when he is ready to understand and make a decision to accept Christ!


Anonymous said...

Wow Mel. That was amazing! I am blown away to that a 4 year old can understand that concept. Ya'll have taught him well, which I knew you would. That made me cry. haha! I hope everything is going well. Miss ya and love ya tons!