Our good friend, Fred Shackelford, decided that he was going to train for a triathlon. Corey enjoys exercise, but he has to have a goal to be working toward...so, he is now getting ready for one too! The date is actually July 26 and he will be doing a 300meter swim, 19 mile bike and a 3 mile run at the end. Whew! One day last week while he was biking, the boys and I tried to track him down. These are the pictures I took. The first few attempts were not so great (kind of reminds me of the Valentine's Day photo shoot!), but I made sure I had one good one...I believe that Corey was actually saying "Be careful" in the last picture that I took as I drove by him on the road!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Corey's Training for a Triathlon
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 9:25 PM 1 comments
Caleb can swim!!!
Caleb and I had been working on swimming for 3 days, and he was doing really well! At this point he had been swimming about 8 feet to me and then I'd grab him and carry him back to the steps. He hadn't really gotten the breathing part down. Then yesterday we had playdate at our friends Katie and Caroline's home (thanks for sharing your beautiful pool)! Two of Caleb's friends, who are both older than him, were jumping off the diving board without their lifejackets. Caleb apparently thought that would be a lot of fun and that if they could do it, he should be able to also. He isn't afraid of much...I think I was much more concerned than he was (He just turned 4 at the beginning of this month. I thought maybe by the end of the summer he'd be swimming.) Well, he jumped off a few times and I was right there beside him. Each time I'd back up a little more. He got a little further each time, and by the end of the morning he was swimming all the way from the diving board to the ladder! Katie took the picture for me to show how far it was. Then before we left he swam all the way from the ladder at the deep end to the steps at the shallow end! I think he's going to love swimming just like his dad! We're so very proud of our little swimmer!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I've Been Tagged!
Jennifer tagged me with this questionnaire, so here we go!
1. WHAT DID YOU DO 10 YEARS AGO? In college at Union rooming with Jennifer, Meg and Mindy...quite possibly the most perfect roommate combination in history! Dating Corey for a year and a half. I was actually spending the summer doing missions in Arizona at this time of the year learning a lot but wondering how I would make it another month before I saw Corey, my friends and family again! That was a hard two and a half months!
2. FIVE ITEMS ON YOUR TO-DO LIST TODAY: 1)Workout at the gym 2)Laundry 3)Lunch with a friend 4)Play Chutes and Ladders with my boys 5)Church...we're working on getting a class ready for new Christians!
3. SNACKS I ENJOY: fruit and chocolate
4. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE A BILLIONAIRE? Well that's a fun question! Of course I would tithe first, then give to the building fund (Yeah, Maplewood! All 5 phases of our church would be completed at one time!!!) Then I would put aside money for our future, the boys college, and pay off our house (I'd go ahead and put in those hardwood floors and add on the addition I've wanted to do!), We'd replace our ailing car, Do something special for our family, Then I'd help complete the El Ayudante complex in Honduras...beyond that, I'm not sure. I would want to invest in Kingdom work...things of eternal value, but don't know exactly what yet! That was fun to think about for a moment!
I tag...Wave and Allison!
If you have been tagged recently and you don’t wish to join in on the fun, please don’t feel obligated! Here Are the Rules: Answer the following questions about yourself. At the end of the post you pass on the questions to some other bloggers and list their names. Then write them a comment telling them that they’ve been tagged and ask them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know that you’ve accepted the challenge and refer to your post.
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Busy Weekend!!!
This past weekend was lots of fun, but also very busy! Friday afternoon Leah, one of our former youth, came to visit for the weekend. The boys really enjoy playing with "Eah" as Bennett calls her! Friday night our association had a picnic for ministers' families. We were able to shoot bows and arrows and skeet shooting! (There was a picture of me shooting, too. However, it was not very flattering and as my friend Katie says, I have editing privileges over this blog ;) It was lots of fun!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 2:02 PM 1 comments
Father's Day
I know it was a week and a half ago, but after catching up on the posts before this things got busy! I love Father's Day because it allows me to celebrate the wonderful men in my life. I am so grateful for my dad...He has given me a beautiful example of God's unconditional love for me. He has blessed me with the gift of knowing that no matter what I could do, he would love me! Thank you!
And a gift that I appreciate more and more each day is my husband. He is such a wonderful dad to our boys. He provides for us and loves us, and I'm so grateful that beyond that he just loves being with us! It is wonderful to know that when he comes home from work, he WANTS to see us. Isn't that like God?! He desires to spend time with us, to love us and to provide for us. A father's example has such a powerful impact on their children's view of the Heavenly Father. What an awesome responsibility! So, Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful dads out there!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
God Still Sees My Sin
When leaving the pool this afternoon, a truck drove by playing loud music. Caleb is very perceptive and began picking up on the words...nothing bad, at least the part that he caught, but he asked me if it was a good song. If you know me, I can't just give a quick answer to that, so I explained that I didn't know the words and wasn't sure if it was a good song or not. I told him that sometimes songs have words that are not pleasing to God. Then he asked me if the people who sing those songs are bad people...wow. How do you explain that to a four-year-old? So I did my best. I told him that all people do bad things, even me...we all sin. Then I tried to explain that the difference in people is that when someone asks God into their lives and asks for forgiveness for their sins, God doesn't see their sin anymore (I know this isn't all of the theology behind this, but He does see Christ's righteousness when He sees us). He thought about this for a moment and then said, "God still sees my sin." I was blown away! And then as we pulled into the driveway he was very quiet...He and Bennett are usually fighting sleep at this point, so I assumed he was about asleep (he's never that quiet). And then from the back seat I heard him pray, "God, please forgive me for my sin." It was absolutely precious! He has just turned 4, and we haven't discussed salvation much yet...just as he's asked questions, but I am so grateful that his heart is sensitive to God and aware of his sin...I pray that God will give Corey and me the wisdom and sensitivity to know when he is ready to understand and make a decision to accept Christ!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 11:33 PM 1 comments
Not Pleased
As I was working on my Bible study Tuesday, I read some verses that I'm sure I've read before but it has never quite struck me this way before. 1 Corinthians 10:1-5, "our forefathers were all under the cloud (speaking of the pillar of cloud that led them through the wilderness) and that they all passed through the sea. They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ. Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them..." Wow! They had all been led out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, through the wilderness, provided for by God, and yet He was not pleased with most of them. As I thought about this it made me think of the Church today. Not just Maplewood specifically, but the Church as a whole. We have experienced His salvation, been blessed by Him, carried through trials and adversity, and yet so many "Christians" live lives in total disobedience. He is not pleased! We may go to the same churches, read the same Bible, sing the same worship songs...And so I began to ask myself, "Is He pleased with me?" It is so easy to live our lives in comparison to those around us...compared to others we may think we're doing okay. But the world and even other Christians around us aren't our who we should be comparing ourselves to...Christ is the standard. How do I stand up to the Holiness of Christ? That makes the question much more sobering..."Is He pleased with me?"
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Caleb, Swimming and Soccer Fanatic!
Caleb has had two big firsts this month! On Monday, June 2, he jumped off the diving board for the first time!!! He loved it and jumped over and over (probably 30 times!). He walks up so proudly and leaps off with a big grin. When he comes up, he's wide-eyed and then he wipes his eyes, and swims to the latter! Such a big boy!Another big first in his life this past week was his first sports camp! The girls' high school soccer team sponsors the Little Kicker soccer camp. Caleb has really been looking forward to this, and the week of camp did not disappoint! He has worn his cleats, shin guards, soccer socks and "uniform" all week, and honestly, he wore it most of the week before, too! He loved it and would kick the ball all the way to the field before practice and all the way back afterward! He has always loved sports, but this has been his first opportunity to officially play. We had a big fan section to cheer him on at his game on Friday! Thanks to the Cooks, Alexanders, Ge, Natiley, and Aunt Michele for being the best fans a four-year-old soccer player could ever ask for!
Bennett had a big time too. He really wanted to be on Caleb's team. We told him he had to wait until he was a little bigger, but Caleb came to the sidelines to give him hugs throughout the practices!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 2:33 PM 2 comments
Building Update
We have received our Fire Marshall approval as of June 4!!! God is good! The plumbing work is going on now, and we are now seeking financing again (the amount has changed because of loosing the volunteer labor, so we have to work out a new loan). Please continue to keep us in your prayers and we continue to follow God's leadership. This has definitely been a time to increase our faith in Him and show us that He works in ways we cannot understand...but we praise Him! He loves us and wants what is best for us and for His glory! We can't wait to see what He has planned!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Superwoman and baby Zane!
So, most of you know that my sister, Waverly, and her husband, David, just had their fifth child, Zane Alexander Munday. He is adorable and was born Saturday, June 7! Congratulations Wave, Dave, Titan, Josie, Koen, and Heidi on your new special addition to the Munday family!
Now, what you may not know is that my sister is Superwoman! Don't feel bad, I didn't realize it either until this week. Oh, yes, I had picked up subtle hints along the way, but couldn't confirm my suspicions until this week! So, here is the irrefutable evidence. Zane was born on Sat. around 3:30 pm...Wave came home from the hospital Sunday around 4. When I arrived at their home Monday morning, she was walking around the house tending to her "little people" as if she hadn't just had a baby less than 24 hours earlier, and when I was fixing lunch, she kept trying to help. This was suspicious to me, but then when I offered to make a grocery run for her, she said, and I quote, "Oh, that's okay. I was going to go this morning but just got busy. I'm going to go this afternoon." I know! But the final thing that gave away her superhero status was when I spoke to them on the phone Friday. Dave answered and I asked what they were up to and he candidly replied, "We're getting ready to go to the Y." Yes, they were all 7 loading up to go to the pool at the YMCA! And after talking to Wave I realized that she had worked out on the elliptical the day before and had worn her new FitFlops! What in the world?!? So, Wave if you read this I'm on to you...a little upset that you didn't tell me yourself that you're Superwoman, but I'm so proud of the Godly mother you are and happy for you for adding another precious arrow to your quiver!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 2:09 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Hard Day
Today has been one of those days where you let life get to you and then you feel like you've failed in every way possible. You know when you totally lose your patience with your children, your house is a disaster and you haven't been to the gym in a month...the list goes on. Corey understood my need for a break and came home for the afternoon. After lunch he took the boys outside and I was able to do my lesson in "A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place" Bible study. God is so good. He reminded me that His grace is there for us each day and we just have to ask for it. Just like He provided the manna the Israelites needed each day in the desert, He provides our needs each day (the patience, the mercy, the forgiveness)...we just have to "gather it" daily. I am so grateful for a God who despite my failures blesses me with His mercy and grace. I am amazed that, because of " the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! I say: The Lord is my portion therefore I will put my hope in Him." Lamentations 3:22-25 What Love that He would cover our sins, our failures with His blood in order to present us spotless before the Father! I love the hymn,
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 10:34 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Caleb is 4!!!
It is so hard to believe that Caleb is now a four-year-old! We had a wonderful week celebrating. When we got home from vacation we didn't have much time to get ready for a party, so with much guilt, I had decided that we would size down. This year, we didn't send out 40 invitations, we didn't have a big lunch for everyone, and I didn't go crazy with the balloons either. As party time neared, I began to fear that my 24 cupcakes, 1 mylar balloon, punch and Doritos at the city park wouldn't be enough "celebration." But as Caleb's grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and our friends the Shackelfords arrived, Caleb was as excited about this party as any before. He even told me this was the best party ever! Ahhh, how sweet. What a relief that he enjoyed the celebration! It actually was a lot of fun and he was able to really play with and enjoy the family and friends who were there. As party favors we gave each child a kite, and God gave us a beautiful, clear day with plenty of wind for flying kites...FUN!!!
Then on his actual birthday, we celebrated again! We spent the morning at the pool, which is one of his favorite things to do.
After an early afternoon nap, we had a little fiesta with some of our church friends at El Vallarta.
We had VBS that evening and Caleb got to hold the Bible...he was trying not to smile too big, but couldn't restrain his excitement (as Corey and Jennifer would say, "he's got a lot of Foropoulos in him!").
I am so grateful for the four amazing years God has given us with Caleb. He is one amazing little boy! When he was born I wondered how I could ever love him more...but each day I learn something new that just adds to the love I have for him. God is so good! We can't wait to see the plans God has for his life unfold before us as they have these last few years!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
We're still here!
We've just been super busy! Corey's sister, Michele, is moving to Paris soon!!! Heather, I know you've been giving me some grief over not blogging about it yet! We are super excited to have her here in Paris! She is going to be the new assistant principal at Grove School! So, this week has been crazy trying to paint and get her house ready for her to move her things here next weekend. We've also had VBS at our church each night this week. SO, stay posted this next week because I have a million new things to post about including a special little boy's 4th birthday, updates on our building, a new first at for Caleb and Bennett, and A NEW NEPHEW!!!
Posted by Corey and Melody Cain at 2:01 PM 2 comments