Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Pictures!

So, if you know me very well, you know that I am somewhat obsessive about capturing every special moment on camera. Sometimes this drives Corey nuts, but usually he goes along. I feel I must save these special family moments so that we will never forget them. So, here is our Valentine's Day (in pictures).

The morning began with the boys walking into the den where their Valentine balloons and Power Rangers were laying out on the table. I totally missed this moment and decided I must make up for it later in the day! We had pancakes for breakfast and went to playdate where I realized I had left the camera at home!!! How could I?!!! So, the boys and I treked back to the house before meeting Corey to go out for a romantic Valentine's lunch for four! He decided to take us to Applebee's in Murray...this was a real treat! We took some cute pictures of us with each of the boys (aren't you glad I had my camera!) So, as is my custom I asked our waitress to take a family picture for us...
Slightly disappointed that it turned out dark, I decided that I would try again later. Maybe use the timer once we got home. So, we laid the boys down for naps. After they woke up, I had planned on a Valentine hunt! Great in theory, but I forgot about the Power Rangers they had received earlier in the day. My Valentine's were no match for those guys!
So, the boys played a little longer and then it was time for our candlelight dinner. A GREAT chance for a picture of my three loves! And Corey even volunteered to take one of me with the boys! (Notice Caleb's face in the picture with me!)

So, it was almost bath time and I decided this was our last opportunity for a family picture of us all in our red and pink. The timer was our last chance. We HAD to have a great family picture on Valentine's Day! The following sequence is my last effort at forever remembering this wonderful day."Man, I didn't realize that timer was so fast! Didn't I put it on the longer time? Ok, hold on, one more."
"Uh, Bennett wasn't looking and Caleb is playing with the Power Rangers. Oh, and it cut off my head. Maybe I need to squat down in front of them."When we saw this one we laughed uncontrollably. Corey finally suggests I just get beside them...

Ohhh, look. Now wasn't that worth it!?!


Elizabeth said...

This post reminds me so much of myself, all I could do is laugh. The perfect moment on camera is definitely worth the work!! Very funny!

Jennifer said...

I laughed all the way through reading this post. I wish I had been there!! Same sweet Melody!

Zachary said...

Hey, Mom and I both decided to sign up for your new photography class, hehe. Your skills are amazing; what determination to take the entirety of the frame with your face in the third pic, ha. We really enjoyed your blog! Love ya Mel, Dad, Mom, Natiley, and Zachary!