Wednesday, February 13, 2008

White as Snow

Well, if you know anything about West Tennessee, you know that when we get even a little snow we get very excited! Immediate thoughts of schools being dismissed, snowmen, snowball fights and hot chocolate begin to flood our minds. And such a day was today! We woke to a light dusting of beautiful white peaceful, so pretty. We waited a while before deciding to venture outside, and by that time the snow had stopped. After about 30 minutes of struggling with layering the boys clothes, putting on gloves, coats and play shoes, we finally made it outside. At that point there wasn't much snow left on the ground. It was actually more of a muddy mess! After fifteen minutes or so, it was time to head inside and start getting lunch ready. Caleb on the other hand was ready for a snowball fight and couldn't understand why I wouldn't participate!

As I thought about it all this afternoon, the verse came to mind, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow." I thought about the muddy mess we had created as we walked through the snow. Our tracks were all over the yard. It made me think about us as Christians, God has made my sins white as snow...why would I want to walk around in the muddy mess of sin? And yet I still struggle daily with being patient, unselfish and showing His love to those around me. The more I allow pride, anger and selfishness to exist in my life, the "muddier" it gets. So I was reminded today that only He can make my sins "white as snow" and my part in that is to daily surrender my attitude, my thoughts, and my life to the Holy Spirt.

Here are a few pictures of our adventure! Hope you enjoy them!


Gail Robertson said...

I can so relate to that muddy mess of impatience and wanting to show His love to those around me. The pictures are fun.