Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bennett's 3rd Birthday

We celebrated Bennett's 3rd birthday Thursday. It is totally amazing and hard to believe that my baby is 3!!! We had a really fun day. We asked Bennett where he wanted to eat lunch, and he said El Vallarta. He likes it, but if he has to choose, he's always going to say McDonalds. So we wondered why...this is the reason. He has seen them put a "pie" in the faces of several friends on their birthdays and apparently couldn't wait for his turn. It was so funny...he didn't smile the whole time they were singing to him, but he couldn't stop talking about it afterward. He thanked them several times for doing it! They also got Caleb (after he asked), and the Shackelfords joined us, so they got Jack too. Jack did NOT like it!After lunch, we headed to Helping Hand since it was Maplewood's day. It was so of the senior adult ladies classes at our church wanted to make the day special for him, so they bought him a cake and balloons for everyone to celebrate together! Bennett ate several pieces...and especially enjoyed the blue icing (see picture below!). The boys missed their naps, so when we headed out to eat dinner, Bennett fell asleep before we even got there. Bless his was a fun, wonderful day! We are so grateful that God has blessed us with this precious little boy!