Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

Each year we have a Fourth of July party at our home for our church and also some of our family comes. It's become a fun tradition! This year the weather put a small kink in our plans...we normally have everything outside in the backyard, but since it had rained earlier in the day and it was on the radar to hit again during the time of the party, we moved the tables into our garage and once it started back we moved everyone inside. Even with the threatening weather, we still had a great crowd! It is such a blessing to live in America where we can freely assemble to worship and spend time with friends...I am so grateful for all who have sacrificed to make my freedom possible. Here are a few pictures...some are fuzzy because of the humidity hitting my camera lens ;)We always try to get a family picture at the cookout...this time, Caleb and Bennett decided to go get their pajamas on by themselves before we had a chance and before everyone left...check out the pj's they chose :)


Unknown said...

We had such a good time on the fourth! Thank you for opening your home and hearts up to us! We love you! Becky & family

mundayseven said...

What a cute dessert! I am glad yall had a great time. It looks like fun.