Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Week Five...The Final Week of Constructors

It was incredibly hard to believe that five weeks had gone by so quickly! Yet here we were saying goodbye to dear friends we had made and standing in a building that had totally transformed over the period of five weeks. I never ceased to be amazed over the course of these weeks at the servant spirit displayed by the volunteers as they lovingly served us and ultimately served God. From those who hammered, drilled, tiled to those who spent hours in the kitchen preparing 3 meals a day to feed such a hungry group, each one used the gifts and abilities God has blessed them with to serve. Each week, volunteer after volunteer would respond to our thanks by saying, "Oh, no! Thank you for letting us come! We're the ones who are receiving the blessing!" That kind of attitude and love only comes from a love for Christ and a desire to imitate His love for others. Thank you to each of the 371 volunteers who put in over 10,000 man hours...yes, not a misprint...10 thousand hours! We literally could not have been building our church this summer without you. We are humbled by your sacrifice and so grateful for you! You have become dear to us!

Week Five...

Week five left us with the education side of our building almost totally sheetrocked with the exception of the fellowship hall. We also had a gentleman who laid the ceramic tile in the children's bathrooms that are between each set of children's rooms and began the kitchen tile. The sanctuary framing really moved along as well! The hallways and ceilings began taking shape, and you can really see what everything is now, including the sound booth! Our baptistry arrived (but couldn't be put in place just yet), and the doors also arrived for the outside of the buildings. Deanna and I insulated the huge 32 foot wall in the sanctuary (see picture of us with the completed job below!) We were able to meet Mr. Al Davis who founded Constructors along with MaryAnna, Marlin and a group of others 34 years ago! Siding continued, and tears flowed as we said our are the pics from week five. First pictures though are from the day before construction started...just to remind you how far we've come in 5 short weeks!


mundayseven said...

Oh Mel, we are so very excited for you all! It was such a blessing to meet your precious church family. I love you! Waverly