Saturday, October 30, 2010

Maplewood Minsitry

One of the things that God has really burdened our hearts about while serving in Honduras is the need for us to be doing more to minister out in our community. It doesn't have to be complicated...just show people the love of God by serving them, loving them and just living life with them! God placed a specific ministry on our hearts through several visits to a local apartment complex. We decided to have a fall festival for the families on Oct. 31...we wanted to do something positive and God honoring on a day that often times is anything but. We had around 30 Maplewood members participate and a great turnout from the apartments as well! We served hot dogs, chips, drinks and played games, did a Bible story skit, balloon animals and face painting! It was a blast, the residents were very appreciative and had a great time, but more than them, I think our church family was blessed. I think so many times, people in churches stay withing the walls waiting for the lost to come to us...that isn't what God called us to do...we are to GO to them! We need to share the message of hope and the gospel with those who will never enter the doors of our churches...are you waiting for them to come to you or are you following His command to go and tell?