Friday, June 4, 2010

Caleb's 6th Birthday Party!

It just seems impossible that our Caleb is six years old! Time really has flown, and as much as everyone tells you that, it is hard to prepare for the reality of it. It has been such an amazing blessing to parent this precious boy. Caleb has developed a strong personality and loves being a leader and to be in charge, go figure, hehe! But at the same time, he has such a heart for people and sharing about Jesus. I can't wait to see what God has in store for his life...We love you, Caleb!!!

This year, we were going to be gone on his actual birthday (in Honduras), but we celebrated with a really fun pool party two days before and Disney the week after. We had a wonderful time with friends and family at the city pool. Our friend Mrs. Miranda made Caleb an awesome birthday cake...he was very specific about what he wanted...chocolate with chocolate icing with his family, Oreo, and "I love Jesus" on it...Check out her skills! And these are a few other pictures from the party that I loved...enjoy!