Wednesday, June 16, 2010

SBC 2010...Orlando

After a short night's sleep, Corey and I headed to church to prepare for Sunday worship. It was so good to see our church family! Our boys had been in Jackson while we were in Honduras, so Michele had brought them back to Paris and was going to bring them with her to church. Just before Sunday school they arrived, and I've never been so excited to see them in my life! We had big hugs and lots of smiles and kisses!

After a wonderful morning, we grabbed a quick lunch and then changed over our bags from Honduras clothing to Southern Baptist Convention/vacation clothing...whew! By 3 o'clock we were on the road back to the Nashville airport...weren't we just here?!The boys were so excited about their first flight! They generally haven't gone with us to SBC, but with it being in Orlando, we decided to tag our family vacation onto the end of the trip. They loved the flight and even got to sit in the cockpit with the pilot before the flight! We arrived at our hotel late...after 11 pm. We were so ready for bed!

The pastors' conference was amazing! We were able to hear Francis Chan (wrote Crazy Love, which I did with the girls for a book study this past spring) and David Platt. When David Platt was preaching, he said that we must be willing to give our lives in order for the Great Commission to be fulfilled. He said that some would die for the cause, but that it would be a cause worth dying for. Caleb looked up at me and said, "Mom, if God tells me to go, I will. I'll die. I won't even care!" Oh, my...I lost it! What does God have planned for this child? I cannot wait to see...he makes my heart so proud with his sensitivity to other people and to the Lord. And as we worshiped, I was holding him and had my hand raised in praise...he lifted both his hands and his sweet little face up toward heaven and just worshiped, too! It was one of the most powerful moments I've experienced as a mother and as a Christian! I can't really put it into words.

Throughout the conference there was an emphasis on adoption. The SBC is starting the Minister's Adoption Fund to help pastors and missionaries with the cost of adoption. Several pastors and professors shared their families' stories about adoption. The question was posed, "What if instead of being known as the convention who boycotts things, we became known as the convention who cares for orphans and widows as we're called to do in God's word?" Powerful! Stay tuned for more on this very soon....and an exciting announcement! ;)


filipinon said...

Hello, I randomly came across your blog using the "next blog" button at the top of the navbar and I just wanted to praise you for sharing your religious feelings without any shame. Although I am a different religion than you, I think it's awesome to see other Christians in the world serving our brothers and sisters. Your words were very touching. Thank you.