Friday, September 25, 2009

September Construction Update

Here are some pictures of where our progress on the building is right now! The stage in the sanctuary is complete, the classrooms and hallway on the education side of the building are fully painted. The siding is almost finished with the exception of two spots, and then it will be ready for paint. We have had several church work days over the last few weeks where we primed, painted, cleaned, swept, insulated, and hung siding. The roof is finally all on, so the sheetrock guys are now working in the fellowship hall and then will be on to the sanctuary! Tile has been picked out, pews, fabrics, carpet, pulpit, and alter table have all been selected and some's hard to believe how far things have come in the last couple months! We're still on track for our Spring completion date.This past Thursday, some of our friends from First Baptist here in Paris came to help us get some of the final coats of paint on the classrooms. We were truly blessed by their loving service to the Lord through helping us! We are fortunate here in Paris to have a sweet fellowship between churches in our is wonderful when we can work together to see the Kingdom advanced. Thanks so much FBC, Paris!