Thursday, May 29, 2008

Update on our Building Process

Many of you have asked where we stand in our building process. We've been waiting for approval from the state fire marshall's office for the last few weeks. Until we receive our approved set of final plans, we cannot stub the plumbing or pour the concrete slab. Our volunteer teams were set to arrive next weekend. They have been patiently waiting to hear a for sure answer that we were ready for them, but had to have a definite answer Tuesday. We had to tell them no. We will not have the slab ready for them to begin construction. Our loan was contingent upon the volunteer labor as well. So, this means we are seemingly starting over. It's shocking, it hurts, and I've cried a lot of tears over this. However, God was not surprised by this at all! He has known from the beginning the path He would lead us on in order to see His will accomplished. We don't doubt for a minute that He is in total control, but it is still difficult when you've imagined something one way and the plan changes.

I've reflected on the situation the past few days before writing about it. I wanted my mind to have time to process things. As I've looked back, I honestly believe that Corey, the leadership of our church, and our church as a whole has followed God to the point we are at now. I don't think we strayed off the path or tried to rush ahead. The story in the Bible that resonates in my mind is when the Israelites left Egypt. God sent Moses to lead them out, He performed many miracles in their presence, and then He sent them out with wealth and possessions. And then, the part that has always puzzled me is when the Israelites come to the Red Sea. Immediately they begin to complain and ask why they had ever left, they'd have been better off in Egypt they moaned. What? How could they say that? How could they lack faith that the same God who had miraculously delivered them from Egypt could have the power to remove the obstacle before them? And how, after seeing all those miracles could they doubt that He was the one making the way for them? And then, in His timing, when the Egyptian army was pressing down on them, He parted the Red Sea in a awesome display of His power and glory. Amazing! I see so many parallels with our current situation. We have marveled at the miracles that God has used to bring us to this point. Do we now dare doubt His power to handle this obstacle? I can't...I won't! God who has promised is faithful! Why has He chosen to lead us to the Red Sea? I don't know. How will He part the waters? I'm honestly not sure. But I do not doubt that it is God who has brought us to this point and it is God who will be given glory for His awesome power and wisdom when we come across on the other side.

I will do my best to update as we gain understanding as to how He is working things out. Please be in prayer for Corey, our leadership and our church as a whole as we seek to continue following God in this process.