Monday, June 9, 2008

Caleb is 4!!!

It is so hard to believe that Caleb is now a four-year-old! We had a wonderful week celebrating. When we got home from vacation we didn't have much time to get ready for a party, so with much guilt, I had decided that we would size down. This year, we didn't send out 40 invitations, we didn't have a big lunch for everyone, and I didn't go crazy with the balloons either. As party time neared, I began to fear that my 24 cupcakes, 1 mylar balloon, punch and Doritos at the city park wouldn't be enough "celebration." But as Caleb's grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and our friends the Shackelfords arrived, Caleb was as excited about this party as any before. He even told me this was the best party ever! Ahhh, how sweet. What a relief that he enjoyed the celebration! It actually was a lot of fun and he was able to really play with and enjoy the family and friends who were there. As party favors we gave each child a kite, and God gave us a beautiful, clear day with plenty of wind for flying kites...FUN!!!Then on his actual birthday, we celebrated again! We spent the morning at the pool, which is one of his favorite things to do. After an early afternoon nap, we had a little fiesta with some of our church friends at El Vallarta. We had VBS that evening and Caleb got to hold the Bible...he was trying not to smile too big, but couldn't restrain his excitement (as Corey and Jennifer would say, "he's got a lot of Foropoulos in him!").I am so grateful for the four amazing years God has given us with Caleb. He is one amazing little boy! When he was born I wondered how I could ever love him more...but each day I learn something new that just adds to the love I have for him. God is so good! We can't wait to see the plans God has for his life unfold before us as they have these last few years!